my camera is a mirror
The unraveling of my creativity through a wide range of personal development and experiential learning has been in congruence with the awakening of my spirituality and the subject of my camera.
Breaking free from the matrix and moving to Mexico alone catapulted me into an exploration of Purpose. My camera became a mirror documentarian of my curiosity, my intensity, my inner beauty and growth… The more I opened myself to ancestral practices and modern knowledge the more my photographs shared the same.
With a life resume that includes fine art and design, fashion and commerce, entertainment and entrepreneurship from small town Kentucky to The City of Angels… It blows my mind that I now find myself sitting in small, sacred, intimate circles sharing radical honesty, working on emotional alchemy in connected conscious communities, worldwide.
If I could have told my 8 year old self that the places I would go in my imagination of whimsical worlds of beauty and nature weren’t only a fantasy, but my future, I wouldn’t, because the path of self discovery is the most valuable and fulfilling when done so in the unknown.